Close Liaison with Council and Community continued as a priority throughout 2009.
A Meeting was held with Council to resolve a route for a Connecting Path around the North and Eastern Boundaries of Currimundi state School to connect up with the existing Coastal Path. This pathway was completed later in the year.
Nesting Boxes were installed in trees as a substitute for lost bird breeding habitat.
A Retaining wall was built at the jumping tree to arrest erosion and an experimental Sand Blow fence in front of the grassed area was built to prevent sand blowing over the grass and on to the road during periods of strong North/Easterlies.
The Council Beach Cleaning machine started regular sweeps of Currimundi Beach and Lakeside and together with a thorough clean up under the Cottonwood Trees has made these areas safe for children.
2 new seats were installed along the Watson Street to Coondibah section of the Coastal Pathway and the Playground was improved with shade trees planted.
Children from Caloundra Primary School and their Teacher joined in special weeding and restoration sessions with FOCL members and Council as an Educational experience.
Asparagus Fern was targeted with resources made available from the Oil Spill compensation.
National Tree Day, the Wildflower Walk and Weedbusters Day were well attended.